Health Visiting and School Nursing Feedback
Southend Children, Young People and Family Public Health Service Engagement Space
Health Visiting and School Nursing Feedback 2024
As an organisation Southend-on-Sea City Council is keen to ensure that we deliver high quality, effective services that meet client needs. The Southend Children, Young People and Family Public Health Service (Health Visiting and School Nursing Teams) positively encourage and value feedback to help us monitor the quality of service delivery, to help design services to ensure they meet the needs of our children, young people and families.
If you have used one of our Southend Children, Young People and Family Public Health Services we would love to hear from you. We want to find out what is working well and your ideas and suggestions as how you think we can improve.
Where you tell us we are doing well we will aim to continue, and where you tell us we need to improve we will talk to our staff, children, young people and families about how we can do this.
We will post a summary of the responses on the ‘Together we did’ page. We will also share a summary of the responses in reports to our regulator the Care Quality Commission, and to Southend-on-Sea City Council.
Please email if:
- you have any questions about this feedback survey
- you need any assistance in completing the feedback survey
- you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey, for example a paper copy, or to feedback in another way.
To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Your Say Southend Privacy Notice and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice
Privacy Policy | Your say Southend
If you need to speak to a Health Visitor or School Nurse about a health issue please contact them directly on
Health Visitors
Telephone: 01702 534911
School Nurses
Telephone: 01702 534843 Email:
Thank you for visiting our engagement page to complete our survey. This information will help us adapt our service to improve outcomes for our Children, Young people and Families.
The information gathered will provide us the important evidence to make change and implement ways in working. From the information received we have created a new clinic to support with Sleep, behaviour and toilet training so families feel better supported. We have used your feedback to inform staff of their excellent work with you and your families, and created a new Southend Council LiveWell website which we are building up with easily accessible information for families. We thank you for the time you have taken to participate in this survey and making honest valued comments. We will be evaluating this page and relaunching it for 2024.