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We value your feedback and ideas and believe your input is vital in shaping our city.

Our online community engagement hub, Your say Southend provides you with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions. It is a dedicated space where you can gather information, share your ideas and have your say on a variety of matters.

Our online platform won’t replace face-to-face engagement, but we recognise that public engagement events are not always possible, especially in today’s climate of social distancing, or are not for everyone. That's why we have made this website - to make it easier for you to contribute and get involved in a way and at a time that suits you.

We hope you enjoy engaging with us through this site and take this opportunity to help shape the future of Southend-on-Sea. If you are not yet registered, you can register here to keep updated.

If you want to learn about how your say Southend works and how you can get involved, please read our FAQs. You can also get in touch by asking us a question or by giving us your feedback below.

We value your feedback and ideas and believe your input is vital in shaping our city.

Our online community engagement hub, Your say Southend provides you with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions. It is a dedicated space where you can gather information, share your ideas and have your say on a variety of matters.

Our online platform won’t replace face-to-face engagement, but we recognise that public engagement events are not always possible, especially in today’s climate of social distancing, or are not for everyone. That's why we have made this website - to make it easier for you to contribute and get involved in a way and at a time that suits you.

We hope you enjoy engaging with us through this site and take this opportunity to help shape the future of Southend-on-Sea. If you are not yet registered, you can register here to keep updated.

If you want to learn about how your say Southend works and how you can get involved, please read our FAQs. You can also get in touch by asking us a question or by giving us your feedback below.

General feedback and comments

Please use this space to provide any comments or feedback about our approach to consultation and engagement.

Please remember this is a public space, so please do not share any personal information about yourself or others in your comments. 

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I love the idea of this open platform, hopefully, it will gain ground however, I believe that it will largely depend on the level of feedback from the council to points raised by the electorate.

I would like to praise the efforts of your waste contractor Veolia over the term of their contract, they have on the whole managed to keep the town clean and the bins empty. I welcome the forthcoming wheelie bins, I think they are well overdue and whilst I love all animals, I do believe that the current bag collection service and the residents abuse of it has led to their proliferation, almost one would say to the point of menace proportions. I know it's not a universally welcomed strategy however, in the long term, I hope that they will see holistic acceptance.
I would like to see more clarification and communication on the roll out of the wheelie bins, I for one live in a flat and I have been advised that I may still be on bag collection. Given that there is a sizeable proportion of the local populous that live in flats, I would like to know if this is a temporary solution or just the easiest way to deal with the problem?

Regards Stig

Steven DJ about 1 month ago

Appalled to learn that most of the hornbeam trees on Woodford Road, Shoeburyness are marked for cutting down! The reason: "exposed roots are throwing stones into the road"... The Council spent money having tarmac poured over the tree bases, covering the roots- and now they will be cutting the trees down ! Considering the envrironmental crisis we caused, ruining wildlife habitats with extensive building and concreting over driveways and gardens- we should protect every tree there is rather than removing them.. It is a pleasant approach towards Coastguard Station and the seafront , along the tree- lined road- it will not be the same without the trees and the birds chirping in them... Very disappointing that removing the trees is the only way the Council seems to be able to deal with the issue- I do not see much willingness to cut down trees in the neighbouring Thorpe Bay which remains green and leafy ...

ANNA@100 2 months ago

Please see the email below which has been sent to residents in Bristol.
Will Southend Council give Council Tax Payers the opportunity to comment on the way our money is spent? I have in mind weird minority themed events, free Firework shows, a month for this and a day for that or all year for some minorities; all organised at public expense.

From: Bristol City Council
Sent: 13 November 2024 18:20

Subject: Have your say on Council Tax bills next year

We want your views on the level of Council Tax and Social Care Precept for next year (2025/26).

Your views are important to help the council set a balanced and legal budget. This will set out how much we intend to spend in the coming year and how we propose to raise the income needed to meet these spending plans.

Please share your views in the Budget 2025-26 consultation by midnight on Thursday 19 December: www.ask.bristol.gov.uk/budget-2025-26

Best wishes,

Consultation and Engagement Team

Bristol City Council

Merv Whitney 4 months ago

The High Street is absolutely appalling. Southend Council should be ashamed of the rapid deterioration of this area. Tatty shops, grubby fast food restaurants, and plenty of places to get stolen phones unlocked! A total embarrassment.

Andrew102 4 months ago

One of the biggest failures of Southend Council has been to deal with street rubbish effectively for as long as I can remember. Why the council won't rummage through sacks to find who the culprits are then warn them, followed by fining them I don't know. There are also often obvious piles of smelly food-related rubbish outside some restaurants, takeaways and shops and it is surely not that difficult to identify who is responsible. Surely this should be classed as the anti-social behaviour which it is. Let's see how it all goes with the introduction of wheeled bins in our City full of flats and HMOs. in the meantime can the Council please do whatever they can to minimise the disgusting rubbish spoiling the street scene for all residents, not to mention the health and safety issues as rats scurry around getting fatter by the minute and foxes rip up rubbish sacks left out at incorrect times.

Bonny 5 months ago

One of the biggest failures of Southend Council has been to deal with street rubbish effectively for as long as I can remember. Why the council won't rummage through sacks to find who the culprits are then warn them, followed by fining them I don't know. There are also often obvious piles of smelly food-related rubbish outside some restaurants, takeaways and shops and it is surely not that difficult to identify who is responsible. Surely this should be classed as the anti-social behaviour which it is. Let's see how it all goes with the introduction of wheeled bins in our City full of flats and HMOs. in the meantime can the Council please do whatever they can to minimise the disgusting rubbish spoiling the street scene for all residents, not to mention the health and safety issues as rats scurry around getting fatter by the minute and foxes rip up rubbish sacks left out at incorrect times.

Bonny 5 months ago

On Friday 20 September 2024 in the afternoon I visited Southend with my dog and started walking from Prittlewell Gardens along the top of the cliffs towards Royal Terrace and the Pier. I stopped to take in the various views and took some photographs.
One photograph by the Cliff Lift (which again was out of order) features a notice requesting that animals in the area should not be fed as it is affecting the balance of wildlife in the gardens. I carried on walking, wondering what animals the Council would be referring to. When approaching Royal Terrace I moved down onto the walkway where there are benches that overlook what was once "Never, Never Land". Whilst observing the very overgrown and untidy cliffs two rats ran along the footpath in front of me. I was horrified and can only assume that the "animals" referred to in the Public Notice are Rats. I would add that I only stood there for a couple of minutes.
This area is obviously overrun with them and the Council should be doing something positive to erradicate them. For a Council that does not allow dogs on any of the beaches from May to September because of Health, Safety, Children etc., it is clearly OK for familes to sit on benches, admiring the view surrounded by vermin!

SPL 5 months ago

Driving around this town, I am seeing piles of black sacks, overflowing with rubbish and food, verges and hedges overgrown and causing obstructions. I’m embarrassed to invite friends to the area. We look like a third world town. Who ever runs highways needs to be fired.

Nickblackrat 7 months ago
Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 07:45 PM