BBQ in Public Areas

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Consultation has concluded

The Consultation

We collated views about the use of barbecues in our public areas such as beaches and parks, in a move that both protects the freedom of people who want to barbecue, and takes into account local concerns.

Through this consultation we hope to reduce the impact on both the parks and foreshore (in terms of litter) and also the impact on local residents and better manage the situation. The consultation ran for seven weeks from 10th May 2021 and was open to all residents and businesses living or trading in the Borough.

Survey interaction

The main consultation was delivered through the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council online consultation portal. A total of 781 residents and businesses participated. The responses varied and of that 317 were informed which indicates they had visited the project page and viewed the survey and documents, 140 responded online, 7 hardcopy responses either by email or letter, 685 people were aware (clicked on the project page) but chose not to comment or look at the survey or supporting documents.

The overall consensus from those responding is that they strongly support and understand what the Council is trying to achieve and what is required to cover existing provisions within these areas.

Discussions are still ongoing on a way forward which will follow the Councils cabinet process.

Results of the Consultation

BBQ Consultation Analysis (draft)

BBQ Comments received

The Consultation

We collated views about the use of barbecues in our public areas such as beaches and parks, in a move that both protects the freedom of people who want to barbecue, and takes into account local concerns.

Through this consultation we hope to reduce the impact on both the parks and foreshore (in terms of litter) and also the impact on local residents and better manage the situation. The consultation ran for seven weeks from 10th May 2021 and was open to all residents and businesses living or trading in the Borough.

Survey interaction

The main consultation was delivered through the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council online consultation portal. A total of 781 residents and businesses participated. The responses varied and of that 317 were informed which indicates they had visited the project page and viewed the survey and documents, 140 responded online, 7 hardcopy responses either by email or letter, 685 people were aware (clicked on the project page) but chose not to comment or look at the survey or supporting documents.

The overall consensus from those responding is that they strongly support and understand what the Council is trying to achieve and what is required to cover existing provisions within these areas.

Discussions are still ongoing on a way forward which will follow the Councils cabinet process.

Results of the Consultation

BBQ Consultation Analysis (draft)

BBQ Comments received