Consultation document
Southend-on-Sea City Council
Consultation document
Admission Arrangements for Chalkwell Hall Junior School - 2025/26
By law each year we review the admission arrangements for the community schools in the City. We are seeking your views on proposed admission arrangements for 2025/26. This consultation runs from 1 October to 14 November 2023. These arrangements set out how places are offered at the school. When there are changes proposed to the admission arrangements, we must consult to ensure all views are heard.
The proposal is to reduce the admission limit for Chalkwell Hall Junior School to align it to the admission
We invite comments by completing the form on the sections below. If you prefer to respond on a paper form, please let us know.
After the consultation final arrangements will be presented to Council’s cabinet. By law we must have the final arrangements for all schools by 28th February 2024.
2.What is the role of the Council?
The Council is the admission authority for community schools within the City.
The Council also must ensure the right amount of school places for the children in the area and to manage surplus of places.
3. Which schools will be affected by the proposed changes?
Chalkwell Hall Junior School to change the Admission Limit to 90 for year 3 September 2025
4. Proposed change to Chalkwell Hall Junior School Admission Limit
4a. What is the admission limit?
The admission limit is the number of school places that the local authority must offer for each year group. By law we must consult where we are proposing to lower the admission limit.
4b. Must schools have admission limits?
Yes, it is a legal requirement.
4c. How are school limits calculated?
Admission limits are based on the space of the school. We also look at the need for places and balancing numbers across all schools in the area.
4d. Why is the Council reviewing the admission limit to Chalkwell Hall Junior School?
Due to the decline in births there was a need to reduce the admission limit for the main feeder school to the Junior school, Chalkwell Hall Infant School. Lower birth figures mean more school places than we need. Left without action this would have a negative impact on some schools in the area.
Where a school has too many vacancies it is in danger of closing. The council has a duty to ensue enough places within the area. This also includes that there are always places available to new residents arriving in the City.
The Council has considered school closures as one of the possible options. However, the planned housing plans for the area will mean numbers rising again very soon. Closing schools is not seen as the best way forward. Keeping our schools open provides stability for children and is also the best use of public money. Once the need returns, schools with capacity will be asked to increase their numbers.
To date 7 academy, 1 community and a voluntary aided school have already lowered their admission limits. This was due to too many primary places across the town.
During the consultation to lower the admission limit for Chalkwell Hall Infant School for 2022, a few matters were considered. Chalkwell’s direct catchment area has seen a 22% drop in births. The school took more pupils when this was required. It is also situated on a very small site. In 2019, 20 out of catchment children were placed at the school in reception year. This rose to 30 out of catchment in September 2020. Due to declining births it is expected that this number will increase further if left unchanged. The governing body and the Head Teacher have confirmed they agree to lower the limit. There are currently no further proposed changes to numbers for the remaining community schools.
The admission limit has been rolling out year on year and will be at 90 in year 2 for the school year 2024/25, and the children applying to transfer to the junior school for 2025.
4e. Will there be further reduction in admission limits for schools in the area?
As this stage we are not aware of any schools consultation to lower admission limit in the City. Numbers are monitored on an annual basis.
4f. What other primary schools have lowered their admission limits?
2020: Greenways primary School: Lowered PAN from 150 to 120 reception
Darlinghurst Academy: Lowered PAN from 120 to 90 for all year groups
2021: Hamstel Infant School: lowered PAN from 150 to 120 reception
St Mary’s, Prittlewell, CofE Primary School from 120 to 90
Temple Sutton Primary School from 120 to 90
2022: Chalkwell Hall Infant School from 120 to 90
Bournemouth Park Primary from 90 to 60
2023: Bournes Green Junior School from 66 to 60
Thorpedene Primary School from 90 to 60
2024: none
5. Responses
How do I comment?
Complete a survey form or complete a paper response form.
What are the next stages after the discussions?
Responses to the consultation will be reported to Cabinet. The Council will then finalise the arrangements.
Admission arrangements for all schools will be on Southend City Council’s website on 15 March 2024.
How do I raise an objection once the process is complete?
Any objections after the process is complete must be made to the Schools Adjudicator. Objections can be made from the 15 March to 15 May 2024. Further information regarding how to make an objection at that stage will be made available.
October 2023
Chrissy Papas
Place Planning & Admission Compliance Manager
Southend-on-Sea City Council
Access & Inclusion Team
Consultation has concluded. Update can be found here Update waiting for Cabinet report in early January