Frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will be impacted by these proposals?
The total number of people who would be negatively affected by the policy is approximately 380 people.
However, it is important to note that these figures are taken from a point in time, and the number of people in receipt of adult social care constantly changes.
How will these changes impact on the services I receive?
The services that you receive will not change. The amount you are charged towards the cost of your care may change in October/November 2022 (following the outcome of this consultation).
When will any changes come into effect?
If one of these proposals are agreed, changes will come into effect in late 2022.
Before any changes are made, you will be informed about the outcome of this consultation and what proposals were agreed and why.
When will I know how much, if anything, I will have to pay towards the cost of my care?
Every person using community-based adult social care services will be contacted in advance of any changes being made.
It is important to remember the amount you are charged will depend on which proposal is agreed and on your individual circumstances.
How can I find out how these options will affect my personal circumstances?
You can speak with the Financial Assessment Team specifically about the consultation on 01702 215934 between the hours of 9am and 12pm Monday to Friday.
The Financial Assessment Team will be able to explain the financial assessment process in more detail. However, it is important to say they are unlikely to be able to calculate how your charge may or may not change for each of the proposals. This is because a charge is very much dependent on each person’s individual circumstances.
I currently live in a care home; how will these changes affect me?
The proposals set out in this consultation will only affect people receiving a package of support in the community. If you live in a care home or a nursing home, these changes will not affect you. However, we welcome your thoughts.
I am a carer, what difference will these proposals make to services I receive as a carer?
Services provided to carers following a carers assessment are provided free of charge. All proposals in the new policy will not change this.
If you would like to request a carers assessment you can call Adult Social Care at the council on 01702 215008 (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday) or contact the Carers First Service on 0300 3031555.
How long does the consultation last and who will make the final decision?
The consultation will run from 16th May 2022 and close on 08th August 2022
The council will review all responses before considering the proposals set out.
The final decision will be shared on Your Say Southend, the council’s online consultation and engagement platform.
How were the proposed options agreed?
A working group comprising of representatives commissioning, social work teams, financial assessments, IT and finance reviewed the current policy and identified areas for modernisation and change.
All changes have been considered according to national charging issues, legislation, and recent judgements. The financial impact on people using services was also considered as well as any projected changes in charging income for the Council.
A draft Adult Social Care Charging Policy was then agreed by the Councils Cabinet in February 2022 subject to the outcome of a 12-week public consultation.
Do the proposals mean people will have to spend all their savings to pay for care?
No. The proposals do not change our approach to people’s savings which is in line with the Care Act 2014.
Do the proposals mean people will have to sell their homes to pay for care?
No. The proposals set out in this consultation will only affect people receiving a package of support in the community. If you live in a care home or a nursing home, these changes will not affect you. The proposals do not change our approach to the value of people’s homes. The value of a person’s home cannot be included in a financial assessment for services received in the community.
How do the options consider Disability Related Expenditure?
The options do not change our approach to how we calculate Disability Related Expenditure. It will strengthen the criteria around Disability Related Expenditure allowances by asking for evidence such as receipts or bank statements to ensure people are not claiming items which are general living costs.
Consultation has concluded