Consultation on the Draft SEND Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation on the Southend special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Partnership Strategy 2022 to 2025


The Southend special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Partnership has overseen a programme of engagement with parents, carers, young people, settings and practitioners who support children and young people with SEND to bring together this draft 3-year SEND strategy(External link).

We want all children and young people with SEND to thrive and be happy. The SEND Partnership Strategy outlines 5 priorities, all of which are focused on improving the lived experiences of children and young people with SEND and their families. The strategy will help the formation of an easily navigated, open and transparent SEND system with clearly defined outcomes that make a real and measurable impact. 

We want to hear from:

  • young people with SEND.
  • parent/carers of children and young people with SEND.
  • voluntary and community sector organisations that support children and young people with SEND and their families.
  • practitioners that work with children and young people with SEND and their families including: 
    • Southend on Sea City Council staff, including education and early years, Public Health and social care. 
    • local Health Care providers and organisations.
    • local mainstream and special schools and other education providers, including early years and post 16/further education settings.

The 5 priority themes for this strategy are:

  • Transitions: children and young people are prepared and supported to thrive at each change in their lives, helping them to feel secure and confident.
  • Early Intervention: identification, assessment and effective support are provided at the earliest opportunity.
  • Good mental health and wellbeing: children and young people with SEND are happy, enjoy and thrive within their family, education, and social lives. 
  • Plans: EHCPs and other plans for children and their families have the young person at the centre, are well co-ordinated, co-produced, timely, and lead to well informed and effective support, which is regularly monitored and reviewed.
  • Local Offer: the Local Offer is a comprehensive, widely and easily accessible resource that signposts to a range of services and high-quality provisions that have been commissioned or developed in partnership

How you can get involved

We want you to join in the conversation. Your comments and ideas will be considered when we write the final version of the SEND Strategy. 

The consultation will close on 29 July 2022

If you have any questions, need help taking part in the consultation, wish to feedback in another way or would like an alternative version of the content such as an easy read version or a paper copy, please email link) 

A summary of the outcome of the consultation will be published on the Your Say Southend Website. 

*Update is now available at SEND Have Your Say page, on the News Feed*

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice(External link)

Consultation on the Southend special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Partnership Strategy 2022 to 2025


The Southend special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Partnership has overseen a programme of engagement with parents, carers, young people, settings and practitioners who support children and young people with SEND to bring together this draft 3-year SEND strategy(External link).

We want all children and young people with SEND to thrive and be happy. The SEND Partnership Strategy outlines 5 priorities, all of which are focused on improving the lived experiences of children and young people with SEND and their families. The strategy will help the formation of an easily navigated, open and transparent SEND system with clearly defined outcomes that make a real and measurable impact. 

We want to hear from:

  • young people with SEND.
  • parent/carers of children and young people with SEND.
  • voluntary and community sector organisations that support children and young people with SEND and their families.
  • practitioners that work with children and young people with SEND and their families including: 
    • Southend on Sea City Council staff, including education and early years, Public Health and social care. 
    • local Health Care providers and organisations.
    • local mainstream and special schools and other education providers, including early years and post 16/further education settings.

The 5 priority themes for this strategy are:

  • Transitions: children and young people are prepared and supported to thrive at each change in their lives, helping them to feel secure and confident.
  • Early Intervention: identification, assessment and effective support are provided at the earliest opportunity.
  • Good mental health and wellbeing: children and young people with SEND are happy, enjoy and thrive within their family, education, and social lives. 
  • Plans: EHCPs and other plans for children and their families have the young person at the centre, are well co-ordinated, co-produced, timely, and lead to well informed and effective support, which is regularly monitored and reviewed.
  • Local Offer: the Local Offer is a comprehensive, widely and easily accessible resource that signposts to a range of services and high-quality provisions that have been commissioned or developed in partnership

How you can get involved

We want you to join in the conversation. Your comments and ideas will be considered when we write the final version of the SEND Strategy. 

The consultation will close on 29 July 2022

If you have any questions, need help taking part in the consultation, wish to feedback in another way or would like an alternative version of the content such as an easy read version or a paper copy, please email link) 

A summary of the outcome of the consultation will be published on the Your Say Southend Website. 

*Update is now available at SEND Have Your Say page, on the News Feed*

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice(External link)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Participants do not need to register on Your Say Southend to complete this survey, but we will collect data on who has taken part.

    If you have any problems in completing the survey you can contact us by emailing link).uk(External link) or alternatively you can also use the Ideas board to give us comments and feedback.

    Consultation has concluded
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