You said we did

You Said

We Did

Promotion of Information Advice and Guidance should be promoted digitally

The Specification addresses improving digital channels, proving information via various means including digital platforms and social media. Although technology isn’t for all, there should also be alternatives available for people who cannot access the internet, do not have digital skills or speak the same language.

Ensuring the Information, Advice and Guidance provided is up to date.

The specification will outline that the Provider will keep up to date with emerging developments around Information, Advice and Guidance locally, regionally and nationally, and update their practice accordingly.

Support should be offered to help people maintain/manage owner-occupied accommodation.

The new provider will assistance and advocate to empower tenants to liaise with landlords / mortgage lenders/companies.

Should rely on already established, tried, and tested digital platforms rather than wasting resources creating online advice resources.

The Specification addresses providing information via various means including existing digital platforms.

More funding is required to make IAG services sustainable as they are vital to health and wellbeing.

SBC recognises the important contribution made by IAG services in the town protecting the IAG budget from further savings at a time when other services are having budget cuts.

IAG services outcome needs to be aligned with existing outcomes framework(s) ie the ASC Strategies

The new IAG service will be aligned to meet the relevant ASC strategies outcomes and will help to deliver on several of the Southend 2050 Safe and Well ambitions and outcomes.

SBC will work with grant funded services to develop a joint shared, agreed set of outcomes so there is more integrated working.

Will the structure of the model include small organisations?

Going forward we need to build strategic partnerships to allow smaller charities to influence local policy decisions.

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This consultation has closed. Please see our Together We Did... post for key findings and next steps.

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