Archer Avenue - June 2020 update
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council is committed to providing affordable homes for residents of the borough who are unable to rent or buy on the open market. To meet this commitment, the Council’s Strategic Housing team along with South Essex Homes are currently reviewing council owned garage sites and underused land that have the potential to deliver much needed residential accommodation.
A garage site in Archer Avenue has been identified as having potential to deliver much needed affordable housing. Preliminary site investigation works have indicated that the site (highlighted below) is capable of development.
The site in question forms part of the Council’s Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) pilot project which seeks to utilize off-site delivery methods to provide accommodation.
The project team have appointed Pellings LLP to act as Employers Agent (EA). They will assist the Council in progressing the project. It is the Council’s intention to secure a main contractor who will undertake the design works, planning submission and construction of the dwelling/s. The procurement work to secure a main contractor will be undertaken over the coming months.
The Council will continue to update residents with the progress of the project as it develops. Furthermore, local residents will have the opportunity to engage with the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning process if/when a planning application is submitted.
Consultation has concluded