About this consultation
What has changed
The School Attendance Team previously aligned to Early Help Family Support within Children’s Services, has moved over to Access and Inclusion within the Education and Early Years Department.
The current team structure (8 Officers and 1 Senior Practitioner) remains the same, with the only difference being that they will now fall under the Head of Service for Access and Inclusion – Cathy Braun.
What does this mean for schools
Your named officer aligned to your school will not change for this academic year.
Any open cases or commitment the service has with your school (service level agreements) will continue as previously agreed. Our current service provision through the traded and universal service will continue till July 2021.
If you have (or plan to) purchase the traded service, this will be for the summer term initially. This is so we can consult with schools and partners in readiness for a revised policy and service delivery from 1 September 2021.
We are consulting all schools during the first half of the summer term in relation to the following areas of the service:
- Traded Service (preventative)
- Universal Service (statutory)
- Proposed amendment to the Southend Borough Council’s Code of Conduct for Issuing Penalty Notices The Education (Penalty Notices) Regulation 2004 and subsequent The Education (Amendment) Regulations 2013
We invite comments by Headteachers completing the surveys on the sections below by 5pm on Friday 28 May 2021. We welcome your feedback against these three areas relating to what is working well, areas that could be improved, and how we can work with schools and families differently to remove barriers to attending school and reduce persistent absence.
As a reminder, the current service delivery model is:
Traded (preventative) |
Universal (statutory) |
To support and challenge children and families through a variety of preventative interventions:
We are also proposing some amendments to the current code of conduct for issuing Penalty Notices. To read the current published version please visit the Council Website.
You can find details of the consultation and proposed arrangements in the consultation document
What happens next
Once we have the views of schools and their experiences we aim to provide a summary of the initial feedback in our ‘consultation summary’ which will be posted on this page after the consultation closes. This will inform the future service redesign, policy and practice for both our statutory and traded service response to reducing pupil absence in Southend schools and settings.
In addition, the Consultation will inform the proposed amendments to the current code of conduct for issuing penalty notices. If a common agreement cannot be found relating to this legal requirement, we will continue to work to the published and previously agreed document (see above for link).
Who do I contact if I have further questions or concerns?
Your linked Attendance Officer for your school remains the first point of contact for any general questions you may have. If you have a specific question about this consultation, you can contact Jacqui Lipyeat School Attendance Team Leader by emailing jacquilipyeat@southend.gov.uk or Cathy Braun Head of Access and Inclusion 01702 215066 cathybraun@southend.gov.uk to discuss any areas in more detail.
Consultation has concluded