Routemaps development process

Routemaps development process
In 2023, initial discussions held with parent carers at Your Local Offer Your Way sessions about what would be useful to include in routemaps.
In October 2023, mentimeter poll conducted at SEND Strategy and Strategic Action Plan launch event. Attendees voted on what processes they wanted covered by routemaps and Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) seminars. Top combined areas were:
- identification and support for SEND in schools
- Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)
- transitions
- health assessment pathways
In the 2023/24 academic year, three (3) SSIF seminars were organised. Each seminar included information sharing and a routemaps co-production session run by the Local Offer team where parent carers told us what they wanted included in the routemap for that topic.
- seminar 1 – March 2024: Early identification and support of SEND in schools
- seminar 2 – May 2024: Education transitions
- seminar 3 – June 2024: EHCNA
Follow up meetings held with colleagues about education transitions and the phase transfer process.
In June 2024, follow up Your Local Offer Your Way meeting held focusing on the early identification and support routemap.
In July 2024, Local Offer team add to Education Transitions information on the Local Offer including information that was covered at the SSIF seminar: Education Transitions.
The Local Offer team produced drafts of routemaps for the following topics based on the relevant processes and what parent carers had told us they wanted included:
- early identification and support of SEND in schools and early years
- Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)
- phase transfers
- annual review for EHCP process
In August 2024, drafts were shared with SSIF and favoured design style was agreed.
In September 24, routemaps were re-configured to favoured and consistent design style.
To ensure the draft routemaps were comprehensive, an engagement session was held on October 3, 2024, where parent carers, stakeholders, and professionals provided valuable feedback.

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