Southend Bus Service Improvement Plan

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Bus stop


The Bus Service Improvement Plan will set out how the Council and local bus companies will work together to improve local bus services over the coming years. The Council will do this by working with local bus companies through an ‘Enhanced Partnership,’ which the Council and bus companies plan to enter into during 2022.

Bus Service Improvement Plans set out the current situation for buses in the area they cover. This will include – among other things – how many people use buses, how frequent services are, who the bus companies are, and the main barriers to using buses. They will also set out how the Council and local bus companies will improve local bus services. This could include – among other things – more frequent buses, buses that are easier to use, and buses that are better integrated with trains. These commitments will be made formal in an Enhanced Partnership.

This consultation wants to understand how you feel that bus services could be improved in your area. The feedback from this consultation will provide the information needed to identify key actions to improve local bus services across Southend.

Please email

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.

**This consultation is now open until 31st March 2022.**

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice.


The Bus Service Improvement Plan will set out how the Council and local bus companies will work together to improve local bus services over the coming years. The Council will do this by working with local bus companies through an ‘Enhanced Partnership,’ which the Council and bus companies plan to enter into during 2022.

Bus Service Improvement Plans set out the current situation for buses in the area they cover. This will include – among other things – how many people use buses, how frequent services are, who the bus companies are, and the main barriers to using buses. They will also set out how the Council and local bus companies will improve local bus services. This could include – among other things – more frequent buses, buses that are easier to use, and buses that are better integrated with trains. These commitments will be made formal in an Enhanced Partnership.

This consultation wants to understand how you feel that bus services could be improved in your area. The feedback from this consultation will provide the information needed to identify key actions to improve local bus services across Southend.

Please email

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.

**This consultation is now open until 31st March 2022.**

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice.

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Share your issues with local bus services

over 3 years

Click on a location, and tell us what issues you have found with buses in your area. Do buses not run frequently enough? Is there a problem with a specific bus stop? Let us know your issues with local buses.

We have provide pins to place on the area you are talking about.

Page last updated: 12 Sep 2022, 11:00 AM