6. Opportunity and Prosperity

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Multi-year regeneration projects

Most residents agree the Council’s regeneration projects will provide job opportunities, and makes them feel positive about the future of Southend. Half (52%) of residents agree that regeneration will make people thing differently about Southend.

Those that agree regeneration of Southend is providing more job opportunities are more likely to be Financially Stretched (75%) and live in West Central (70%).

Those that agree these projects make them feel more positive about the future of Southend are more likely to be the Rising Prosperity (72%) ACORN category.

Results of Q23 - Thinking about the regeneration that is happening in Southend, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

Graph showing results

Working arrangements following Covid-19

Two in five of those in employment (42%) expect more remote working in their role when restrictions ease, with another third (36%) expecting this to continue at the same level. Of these two groups ,one in five (21%) would be interested in accessing shared workspaces in Southend.

Results of Q24 - Q24. Thinking about the future, when pandemic restrictions ease, do you think your work will...?

All residents:

Graph showing results

All in employment:

Graph showing results

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