7. Connected and Smart

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Keeping services running

  • Two out of three (66%) residents feel the Council is managing to keep services running as normal during the pandemic.
  • Those with the more positive view are over-65s (73%), Affluent Achievers (71%) and the Rising Prosperity (71%) groups.
  • Almost one in five (18%) feel the Council is not managing well.
  • Those with the more negative view are the Urban Adversity (28%) group and living in East Central (23%). It follows that they are more negative about the Council in general.

Being informed about Council services

  • Only one in three (34%) residents feel the Council keeps them informed about the services and benefits it provides. This is down -10ppts since 2019, and -27ppts below the most recent LGA benchmark (61%).
  • More than half (58%) feel they are not kept informed, and this has increased since 2019, up +13 ppts.
  • Those that feel they are not kept well informed by the Council are more likely to Urban Adversity (64%) and living in the Central areas (West Central 61%; East Central 62%).

Preferred channels of communication

The MySouthend online account is the most common preferred channel of communication, from the Council, chosen by 37% of residents

Results from Q28 - How would you prefer to receive information from Southend-on-Sea Borough Council?

Chart showing results

Using online self-service tools

Residents are most confident using self-service tools to make payments (64%). They are least likely to be confident in applying for benefits or grants online. Don’t know responses were prevalent at this question, likely reflecting a lack of direct experience of these tasks

Results of Q29 - How confident do you feel in using the council’s online self-service tools to do the following?

Confident Not confident
Make a payment online (n=1104) 64% 14%
Report a change of circumstance (n=1099) 49% 21%
Find the right service to help you (n=1117) 49% 31%
Report a fault (n=1110) 48% 28%
Send a compliment or make a complaint (n=1105) 47% 28%
Apply for permission, consent or a license (n=1097) 41% 25%
Chase up the progress of an enquiry or application (n=1098) 41% 31%
Seek advice on an issue (n=1105) 41% 34%
Apply for a benefit or grant (n=1103) 32% 22%

Effect of lack of digital skills on accessing services, help and support

  • 15% felt their lack of digital skills or access to the internet affected their ability to get help and support from Council services during the pandemic.
  • Over-65s (39%), not working (30%), and social renters (27%) are most likely to agree their lack of digital skills made it difficult for them during the pandemic.

There is no significant variation in agreement between area or ACORN categories.

Travel methods following Covid-19

More than half (59%) of residents expect to walk more following the pandemic. One in three expect to use the trains and buses less (39% and 31% respectively).

  • Walking: those expecting to walk more are Affluent Achievers (68%), women (63%), those who feel safe after dark (65%), and live in West Central (63%).
  • Cycling: those expecting to cycle more are Rising Prosperity (39%) and those who feel safe after dark (37%).
  • Train: those planning to use the trains less live in East Central (46%), and Affluent Achievers (43%) or Comfortable Communities (42%).
  • Bus: those planning to use the buses less are Comfortable Communities (39%).
  • Private vehicle: those less likely to use cars etc are Affluent Achievers (28%), Rising Prosperity (28%), and in West Central (27%).

Results of Q32 - Looking to the future, how much do you think you will use the below modes of travel compared to before the pandemic period?

Chart showing results

Confidence in public transport

Over half (53%) of residents are confident using public transport at the moment. One in four (23%) are not confident.

Those not confident in using public transport are more likely to be:

  • 55-54yo (28%)
  • live in West Central (26%)
  • feel unsafe after dark (28%)

Results of Q33 - Do you feel confident using public transport at the moment?

Chart showing results

Satisfaction with bus service information

A majority of residents (65%) who gave an opinion are satisfied with RTI at bus stops, and more than half (57%) are satisfied with availability of timetable and route information.

Results of Q34 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following? Excludes 'don’t know'

Chart showing results

Electric vehicles and motivations to buy

Most (67%) residents aren’t planning to buy an electric vehicle in the next two years. Increased affordability and improved charging infrastructure are the things that are most likely to motivate a switch away from petrol/diesel vehicles.

Results of Q36 - What things might encourage you to buy an electric vehicle in the future

Chart showing results

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