The worry box webinar is now live!
The worry box webinar is now live. The Youth council launched the worry box project during the lockdown period to identify and have a better insight into what is worrying young people at this extra difficult time. Southend Youth Council have been working in partnership with the Southend Educational Psychology Team and Public Health colleagues for this project. We looked into the different worries expressed and categorised them into different groups. The most common worries were schoolwork and exams, mental health, the future and belonging
The Youth Council prepared questions and asked a panel of experts for their advice which they have shared through the webinar. We hope you find it useful. Please remember there are also a range of places you can go for help and these links are shown in the ‘important links’ widget on the right hand side.
To jump to the different sections the timings for these are below:
- schoolwork and exams (4:02)
- mental health (16:27)
- the future (38:29)
- belonging (42:44)
Consultation has concluded