Your Say: Adult Social Care Southend

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Illustration of neighbours in a brick building waving and smiling to each other through their windows

Southend Borough Council is working with residents to co-produce three 5 year Adult Social Care Strategies. There is a strategy for each of these groups:

1. All Age Carers - people who care for others in an unpaid role, often family members. We are also working with a group of young carers so their views are heard. You can download all the information about carers in Southend in the presentation here.

2. Working Age Adults - people who might have a disability, a learning disability or mental health needs. You can download all the information about working age adults in Southend in the presentation here.

3. Older Adults aged 65 years and over - people who might need help to live independently or be in supported housing. You can download all the information about older adults in Southend in the presentation here.

We'd love you to join the conversation with us. You can explore the different stories based on real experiences and share your thoughts in the 'Stories' tab below.

If you have your own ideas about how adult social care can support local people to live fulfilling lives, please share them with us on the 'Ideas' tab below.

We are also hoping to have ongoing conversations about social care in Southend-on-Sea. We will use the 'Forum' tab for this so drop by and join the conversation.

(External link)(External link)

If you have any questions, need any assistance taking part or would like to receive an alternative version of the content e.g. on paper, or to feedback another way please email:

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice(External link)(External link).

Illustration of neighbours in a brick building waving and smiling to each other through their windows

Southend Borough Council is working with residents to co-produce three 5 year Adult Social Care Strategies. There is a strategy for each of these groups:

1. All Age Carers - people who care for others in an unpaid role, often family members. We are also working with a group of young carers so their views are heard. You can download all the information about carers in Southend in the presentation here.

2. Working Age Adults - people who might have a disability, a learning disability or mental health needs. You can download all the information about working age adults in Southend in the presentation here.

3. Older Adults aged 65 years and over - people who might need help to live independently or be in supported housing. You can download all the information about older adults in Southend in the presentation here.

We'd love you to join the conversation with us. You can explore the different stories based on real experiences and share your thoughts in the 'Stories' tab below.

If you have your own ideas about how adult social care can support local people to live fulfilling lives, please share them with us on the 'Ideas' tab below.

We are also hoping to have ongoing conversations about social care in Southend-on-Sea. We will use the 'Forum' tab for this so drop by and join the conversation.

(External link)(External link)

If you have any questions, need any assistance taking part or would like to receive an alternative version of the content e.g. on paper, or to feedback another way please email:

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice(External link)(External link).

Discussions: All (2) Open (2)
  • Where do you get your information from when you need some support?

    by Jessica Russell, over 3 years ago
    Share Where do you get your information from when you need some support? on Facebook Share Where do you get your information from when you need some support? on Twitter Share Where do you get your information from when you need some support? on Linkedin Email Where do you get your information from when you need some support? link

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    We rely on the internet for so many things these days. During our conversations with residents, some people have told us that looking on the internet isn't the best place for them to find the information they need... 

    Where do you think is the most reliable source for finding information?

    • Word of mouth
    • Online
    • Email
    • Leaflets and posters in local spaces eg libraries

    Or can you suggest any other ideas?


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  • How can the community support carers?

    almost 4 years ago
    Share How can the community support carers? on Facebook Share How can the community support carers? on Twitter Share How can the community support carers? on Linkedin Email How can the community support carers? link

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    Unpaid carers make a huge contribution to life in Southend. How can we support them to continue caring for loved ones? 

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Page last updated: 21 Dec 2023, 02:21 PM