Update on Progress
What people told us was important to them:
Priorities for action from what we have heard:
What good will look like by 2027:
Next steps:
To be recognised but acknowledged that everyone is different, and some will not want to be labelled as ‘carer’.
To be able to access the information, advice, and guidance they needed, and that information it was clear.
To feel listened to and part of the conversations with health and Care.
To retain a sense of self and able to do the things they used to do.
That breaks are available, and they feel comfortable taking time away confident that replacement care is good quality.
To feel less tired, less stressed.
That (if in work) employers, training and education understand more around their situation and needs.
Are prepared for changes in their caring role when they happen.
Want to understand the health and social care system and its joint up and easy to navigate
- Identifying, respect & valuing carers
- Information and Support
- Carers, knowledge & understanding
- Assessing carers needs
Maintaining Balance
- Connecting with communities
- Taking a break
- Health & Wellbeing
- Helping carers stay in, enter, or return to work education or training (if appropriate)
- Prepared for changes
- Integration & Partnership working to meet people’s needs
- There is an increase in the number of known carers and the impact of their caring responsibilities is better understood and respected.
- Adult carers sustain their caring role and there are less incidents of carer breakdown.
- Young carers sustain their caring role where appropriate but can transition to no longer having caring responsibilities well.
- Carers maintain good health & wellbeing (physically, mentally, and emotionally) alongside their caring role.
- Carers have time for themselves.
- Carers are able to participate in work, education, and/or training.
- Carers feel in control of their finances and have good financial wellbeing.
- Carers tell us they feel prepared for the future.
- Develop a standardised process for ongoing engagement and co-production and build on these open discussions.
- Establish Caring Well steering group to develop and manage action plans, ensuring Health, Social Care, Providers, and Carers are represented.
- Work to establish a baseline of where we are now to allow us to monitor progress on where we want to get to by 2027.
- Produce an annual action plan for 2022/23 for Caring Well in Southend.
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This consultation has now closed. Information about the strategy can be found on the Caring Well page.