Why are you proposing to introduce a charge for the Telecare Monitoring service?

    Following Central Government funding restrictions, the council like most households have seen a rise in costs. In addition, there has been an increase in demand for services which has financial challenges with a projected overspend of £14million. Therefore, the council has been looking at alternative ways to recover some of the costs of running some services. One of the options is to bring the Telecare Monitoring service into one offer which will introduce charges which were previously free for Adult Social Care clients. 

    For Clients who have no eligible social care needs, this service would become fully chargeable. 

    For Clients who have eligible social care needs the monitoring service would form part of their chargeable package of support and subject to a financial assessment.

    Why am I being consulted?

    Before making any changes, Southend-on-Sea City Council wants to know your views on how this could affect you and the people you know, so we can further understand the impact any potential changes could have on the Adult Social Care clients who use this service. 

    You are being sent this consultation document because you, or someone you look after, is receiving a non-residential care service through the Council’s Adult Social Care services. We are proposing these changes and seek your view and input.

    How does this affect me?

    That depends on your circumstances and on which services you are currently receiving. When a final decision has been made on this proposal set out in this consultation, we will reassess everyone and let them know how they will be individually affected.

    If there are going to be any changes made, they will be effective from 1st April 2024.