I am an ordained Buddhist teacher with many years experience of teaching small groups how to meditate and calm their minds. In 2019 many months before we had even heard of Covid 19 I began to feel that I needed to take my meditation classes online and started to explore the options around Zoom classes. I finally set this up in September 2019 and shared it with others under the banner "Dharma in Pyjamas", Dharma in Pyjamas met initially every Sunday at 9.30 till 11am. I met with a friend in Cork who is a Minister and he said he wished he could do his Sunday services from home, in his Pjs over zoom! The reason I gave for the title was that it was for those who were in lockdown, who, unable to go out of their home may be spending the day in pyjamas. I had no idea what I meant by the term lockdown so when we were all being put into lockdown in March of 2020 people began to think I had known something, which of course I had not! Needless to say my minister friend from Cork got what he wished for but not quite in the way he would have liked.
I had started then working as a Social Prescribing Link Worker in four local GP surgeries, but to meet the needs of my online class as they all entered lockdown we arranged a daily session that would work for the international time zones of all who wished to join, and so I could finish work and get home. This became a very large evening class and we meditated together and shared a community of caring and compassionate souls who may never meet but were able to connect and support each other during that very challenging time.
I felt very blessed to be able to offer this service and to have such a strong group of people. Dharma in Pyjamas continues on Sundays via Zoom and is open to all seekers of peace and is offered by donation.
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