Public Health Funerals

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Consultation has concluded, thank you for your feedback.

The Council has a statutory duty under Section 46(1) of the Public Health Act (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (“the Act”) to bury or cremate the body of any person who has died or found dead within the City boundaries, for the following reasons;
  • When it appears to the Council that no suitable funeral arrangements have been or are being made.
  • It is recognised that funeral poverty may mean that family members cannot afford to make their own arrangements.
  • There are also circumstances where families choose not to take on this responsibility.
In all these cases the responsibility falls to the Council, we are able to recover the costs, when we have made the funeral arrangements, where the deceased had assets available to do so.

We have produced a policy to help guide our officers and those involved and would like to hear your views, to help us make the process easier.

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.

This survey will close at 5pm on the 3rd January 2025.

The Council has a statutory duty under Section 46(1) of the Public Health Act (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (“the Act”) to bury or cremate the body of any person who has died or found dead within the City boundaries, for the following reasons;
  • When it appears to the Council that no suitable funeral arrangements have been or are being made.
  • It is recognised that funeral poverty may mean that family members cannot afford to make their own arrangements.
  • There are also circumstances where families choose not to take on this responsibility.
In all these cases the responsibility falls to the Council, we are able to recover the costs, when we have made the funeral arrangements, where the deceased had assets available to do so.

We have produced a policy to help guide our officers and those involved and would like to hear your views, to help us make the process easier.

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.

This survey will close at 5pm on the 3rd January 2025.

  • The Policy proposes that to provide dignity to those who may be suffering from funeral poverty that in addition to the statutory requirement to arrange for the cremation or burial, what are your views on how this can be achieved.

    Survey closes at 5pm on the 3rd January 2024.

    Consultation has concluded, thank you for your feedback.

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