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Public Health Funerals - Survey

The Policy proposes that to provide dignity to those who may be suffering from funeral poverty that in addition to the statutory requirement to arrange for the cremation or burial, what are your views on how this can be achieved.

Survey closes at 5pm on the 3rd January 2024.


Do you understand the Policy and the process?

* required

Do you think the Policy disadvantages anybody?

* required

The Policy proposes that to provide dignity to those who may be suffering from funeral poverty that in addition to the statutory requirement to arrange for the cremation or burial, that a short service is arranged, which can be attended by family and friends, which is paid for by the Council.  It is also proposed that the ashes are returned to bereaved families without charge. Do you have a view on this?

* required

Maximum 255 characters


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Maximum 255 characters


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*This information is not made public, but used for demographic purposes.