Southend Local Plan Conversation

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New  Local Plan - Planning for Growth and Change

The Local Plan is one of the Council’s most important documents as it sets out how the area should be developed in the future.

Local Plans are the key documents through which local planning authorities can set out a vision and framework for the future development of the area, engaging with their communities in doing so. Local Plans address needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure. They should safeguard the natural environment, enable adaptation to climate change and help secure high quality accessible design. The Local Plan provides a degree of certainty for communities, businesses and investors on future development proposals, and a framework for guiding decisions on individual planning applications.

Stage 2 - Refining the Plan

To comment on the consultation please visit Southend-on-Sea New Local Plan once you have registered/logged in you can comment on all elements of the plan.

Please email

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.
  • if you would like to submit a site to be considered as part of the Local Plan process please see Call for Sites

In parallel to the Local Plan consultation we are interested in your views as part of this 'Big Debate' with four separate surveys (below) on what action the Council should be taking within its Local Plan to protect and enhance the natural environment and to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

  1. Planning for Climate Change and the Environment
  2. Planning for Economic Growth
  3. Planning For New Homes
  4. Planning for Transport and Infrastructure

Comments and views made at this stage will help shape a Preferred Approach document which will be subject to further public consultation next year.

**This stage of consultation closed at 5pm on 26th October 2021.**

*Please note all comments are required to be published online alongside your name. We are not able to accept anonymous comments.

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice

The Local Plan is one of the Council’s most important documents as it sets out how the area should be developed in the future.

Local Plans are the key documents through which local planning authorities can set out a vision and framework for the future development of the area, engaging with their communities in doing so. Local Plans address needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure. They should safeguard the natural environment, enable adaptation to climate change and help secure high quality accessible design. The Local Plan provides a degree of certainty for communities, businesses and investors on future development proposals, and a framework for guiding decisions on individual planning applications.

Stage 2 - Refining the Plan

To comment on the consultation please visit Southend-on-Sea New Local Plan once you have registered/logged in you can comment on all elements of the plan.

Please email

  • if you have any questions about this consultation
  • if you need any assistance in completing the survey
  • if you would like to receive an alternative version of the survey e.g. paper, or to feedback in another way.
  • if you would like to submit a site to be considered as part of the Local Plan process please see Call for Sites

In parallel to the Local Plan consultation we are interested in your views as part of this 'Big Debate' with four separate surveys (below) on what action the Council should be taking within its Local Plan to protect and enhance the natural environment and to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

  1. Planning for Climate Change and the Environment
  2. Planning for Economic Growth
  3. Planning For New Homes
  4. Planning for Transport and Infrastructure

Comments and views made at this stage will help shape a Preferred Approach document which will be subject to further public consultation next year.

**This stage of consultation closed at 5pm on 26th October 2021.**

*Please note all comments are required to be published online alongside your name. We are not able to accept anonymous comments.

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice

Page last updated: 14 Sep 2023, 10:09 AM