SEND Annual Review Survey for Children and Young People

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Annual Review survey for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

This survey is from the SEND Team at Southend City Council. It is for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (sometimes called an EHCP for short). We want to know what you think about the annual (yearly) review of your EHCP.


The people who maintain and review your EHCP are called the SEND Team. SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They are often known as the `Council’, ‘Local Authority’ or ‘LA’ for short.

The council check your EHCP every year to make sure it is still helping you. The plan tells the people that support you, the best ways to help you do well.

The check that is done on the plan every year is called an annual review.

The annual review is a chance to:

  • celebrate what is going well
  • listen to your views
  • check that you are getting the support you need
  • make sure your EHCP will help you reach your goals and support what you hope to be able to do in the future.

This survey has been made with other young people to get your feedback about your annual review.

What do we want to know?

We want to know if the support you are getting from your EHCP is helpful and if it makes a difference to your overall progress and development.

Completing the survey

The survey should take less than 15 minutes to do.

It should be done after your annual review has taken place. You can either do it at the end of your annual review meeting, or a week or so after your review when you have had time to think. If you get any free time at school, you could use that to complete the survey.

You can complete the survey:

  • on your own, or you can ask someone to help you
  • online or on paper.

Paper copies of the survey can be provided by your school, education provider or the Local Authority/LA or you can print out a copy from the Documents section on this page. Please return paper copies to Louise Chiles, SEND Local Offer Team, Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend, Essex, SS1 9SQ.

If you need the information in another format, such as large print, please contact us at

To complete the survey online, click on the `survey' tab below.

Do I have to answer these questions?

No, if you do not want to complete this survey, that is fine.

Who will read my answers?

Southend City Council (the Local Authority/LA) will read your answers to understand if the support that you and other children and young people are getting is helpful or not.

Overall results will be shared with Southend schools and education settings, and social care and health care staff, so that improvements can be made to the way things are done. They will not know who has completed the surveys.

Read summary report 2022-2023

Development of the survey

The survey was developed in partnership with young people from Chase High School, South Essex College, The St. Christopher School and Westcliff High School for Girls. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

Development of the promotional video

The following video has been created collaboratively by the SEND Local Offer Team with members of the Southend SEND Youth Forum.

We hope you enjoy the video and that it encourages other young people to complete the survey and tell us about their experience of the annual review process.

Contact the SEND Local Offer Team

Please tell us if you need help completing any of the surveys or require them in a different format.

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice

Annual Review survey for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

This survey is from the SEND Team at Southend City Council. It is for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (sometimes called an EHCP for short). We want to know what you think about the annual (yearly) review of your EHCP.


The people who maintain and review your EHCP are called the SEND Team. SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They are often known as the `Council’, ‘Local Authority’ or ‘LA’ for short.

The council check your EHCP every year to make sure it is still helping you. The plan tells the people that support you, the best ways to help you do well.

The check that is done on the plan every year is called an annual review.

The annual review is a chance to:

  • celebrate what is going well
  • listen to your views
  • check that you are getting the support you need
  • make sure your EHCP will help you reach your goals and support what you hope to be able to do in the future.

This survey has been made with other young people to get your feedback about your annual review.

What do we want to know?

We want to know if the support you are getting from your EHCP is helpful and if it makes a difference to your overall progress and development.

Completing the survey

The survey should take less than 15 minutes to do.

It should be done after your annual review has taken place. You can either do it at the end of your annual review meeting, or a week or so after your review when you have had time to think. If you get any free time at school, you could use that to complete the survey.

You can complete the survey:

  • on your own, or you can ask someone to help you
  • online or on paper.

Paper copies of the survey can be provided by your school, education provider or the Local Authority/LA or you can print out a copy from the Documents section on this page. Please return paper copies to Louise Chiles, SEND Local Offer Team, Southend-on-Sea City Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend, Essex, SS1 9SQ.

If you need the information in another format, such as large print, please contact us at

To complete the survey online, click on the `survey' tab below.

Do I have to answer these questions?

No, if you do not want to complete this survey, that is fine.

Who will read my answers?

Southend City Council (the Local Authority/LA) will read your answers to understand if the support that you and other children and young people are getting is helpful or not.

Overall results will be shared with Southend schools and education settings, and social care and health care staff, so that improvements can be made to the way things are done. They will not know who has completed the surveys.

Read summary report 2022-2023

Development of the survey

The survey was developed in partnership with young people from Chase High School, South Essex College, The St. Christopher School and Westcliff High School for Girls. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

Development of the promotional video

The following video has been created collaboratively by the SEND Local Offer Team with members of the Southend SEND Youth Forum.

We hope you enjoy the video and that it encourages other young people to complete the survey and tell us about their experience of the annual review process.

Contact the SEND Local Offer Team

Please tell us if you need help completing any of the surveys or require them in a different format.

To read about how the Council handles your data please visit our Privacy notice: Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Privacy Notice

  • Annual Review survey for young people - summary report 2022-2023

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    Key findings and themes


    A survey was co-designed with children and young people to gather feedback to help the Southend City Council SEND Team evaluate the annual review of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

    The team wanted to know if the support children and young people receive from their EHCP is helpful and if it makes a difference to their overall progress and development.

    Children and young people were invited to complete the survey if they had been through the annual review process during the academic year 2022-23.

    Survey interaction

    The survey was hosted on the Your Say Southend, Southend SEND ‘have your say’ page. The survey was launched in January 2023.

    The survey was available in electronic form but there were paper versions available in schools and settings across Southend, and upon request. Only a few paper surveys were completed.

    The survey was advertised on Local Offer social media channels, through the Local Offer website, newsletters and through posters and postcards shared with schools and settings and in letters from the SEND Team. A promotional video was also created by children and young people who developed the survey to encourage completion.

    From January until July 2023 there was a total of 30 visitors to the Your Say Southend page where the survey is hosted.

    9 young people completed the survey.

    Survey findings

    The survey was only completed by a small number of children and young people. However, those that completed, or were supported to complete the survey:

    • varied in age, from under 5 through to 25 years
    • attended a range of settings; early years setting, mainstream school, special school and college or Further Education institution
    • reflected a range of special educational needs and disability

    We learned that children and young people feel they do not really have much of a say where and when their annual review took place. The majority answered that they either wanted more or had no support to explain and help them prepare before the review meeting took place.

    Most children and young people answered that they like to share their own views at the annual review but also liked asking someone else to share them on their behalf (usually a family member).

    Most children and young people feel able to share their views and say what is important to them and what they had found difficult, but some did not feel able to share all their views or difficulties and some felt they could not share them at all.

    Children and young people were not always clear if their views are listened to and if their views were acted on.

    Under half of the children and young people that answered said that the annual review helped them to see the progress they had made both inside and outside of education.

    Over half of the children and young people that answered said they were not involved in setting their goals, targets or outcomes. With just under a half answering that they did not think their goals were realistic and did not feel confident to meet them. Over half were not confident their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) would help them achieve their goals.

    Most children and young people either did not know or were not sure who to go to, to speak about their annual review and goals, targets and outcomes, with the majority not knowing they could change them.

    The majority of children and young people said the support that had helped them most or had most impact was from their parents and carers.

    7 young people completed optional questions about their future.

    Just over half did not feel fully prepared for the year ahead and felt they were not able to fully have a say about their education, learning or training.

    Children and young people answered that they were not always confident making friends. Overall children and young people felt their mental health and wellbeing was good either some of the time or most of the time.

    Most children and young people answered that they felt accepted and included in their local area, neighbourhood, or community but some said they did not.

    Next steps

    The answers to the questions show us that some children and young people in Southend-on-Sea do not feel listened to and feel that they have choice and control over their annual review or when setting their goals.

    The SEND Team will be holding a focus group during Autumn 2023, with interested children and young people to consider these findings and to consider how the annual review process can be better in future.

    The survey summary results is available upon request.

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2023, 10:00 AM