BAME Network Forum Survey
The aim of this survey is to:
·Enable BAME staff to post your views in relation to the recent Black Lives Matters (BLM) Movement and the impact of COVID on the BAME community.
·What your experiences/incidents of racism have been in your personal lives/work life
·Share any ideas that can improve experience in the workplace
Findings from this survey will suggest ways the council can improve the experience of BAME staff in the workplace. All responses will be kept anonymous, and non-identifiable findings, themes and ideas will be shared by the BAME Staff Network forum with the Senior Leadership Network and Ali Griffin, Chief Executive of the Council.
The survey will be open until Monday 16th November 2020.
If you would like to have an alternative version of the survey questions e.g. paper or you have a question about the survey or the BAME Staff Network Forum please contact: BAME@southend.gov.uk