Survey - Housing Development Phase 4 – Lundy Close
Dear Resident
Following on from my promise to involve residents more in the development taking place in Lundy Close, we are once again asking for your input into the design of the project.
As I hope you already know, we do listen to the feedback you give us. We have considerably reduced the number of homes on the site from the original proposal three years ago. We have taken on board your views on extra tree planting. And we are incorporating more renewable elements within the scheme, including harvesting rainwater.
For the next stage, before our final designs are submitted, we would like to ask for your views on the exterior ‘look’ of the buildings, landscaping and estate improvements, something you have told us is important to you. Please complete the survey and encourage your neighbours within Lundy Close to do so too.
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there is an urgent need for new homes in Southend-on-Sea. Aside from the national pressures coming from central Government, we only need to look at the number of families on the council’s housing waiting list who are in desperate need of a secure, safe, family home. Every Southend resident deserves a roof over their head and somewhere they can call home and the extra properties on Lundy Close will go a long way to helping those who are most in need.
Thank you for taking part in this survey and thank you for your continued interest in this project.
Cllr Ian Gilbert
Leader of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.