Healthy Behaviours Services Review
Why are healthy behaviours important?
Healthy behaviours such as keeping physically active, eating well, and reducing our tobacco or alcohol intake play a large role in protecting us from health conditions such as heart disease, cancers and diabetes. This means that it is important we all understand how to find the balance between living a happy and enjoyable life but doing this in a way that is healthy and doesn’t increase our chances of getting ill.
Why we need your help…
Most of us know the things we can do to stay healthy - eat well, move more, smoke less - but we also know how difficult it can be to change these behaviours.
We want to look at the support we can provide to people in Southend to make healthy changes, so we are reaching out to Southend residents to understand what matters most to you when it comes to your health. Your feedback will help us understand what works well with current services, and what can be improved, and will be used to shape the future development of our healthy lifestyles offer in Southend.
We have developed a short survey targeted at anyone aged 16 and over, living and working in Southend. If this is you, please take 10-15 minutes to complete this survey. All answers are completely anonymous, and we will never identify you personally when interpreting the findings.