SEN Priorities Survey
Before completing the survey please read the SEN - One Page Summary.
The new strategy for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities is being developed.
We recently held a SEND summit which included members from the three SEND governance groups;
- SEND Strategic Partnership Board,
- SEND Operations Group
- Joint Commissioning Group).
It also included representatives from the contracted parent carer forum Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) and other stakeholders.
The Summit was an opportunity to agree the priorities which should shape our SEND strategy for the next three years.
We now want to hear from you.
- Do you agree with our priorities?
- What are your priorities?
- What would you like to see change over the next 3 years?
Once the survey has closed (8 July 2021) all feedback will be collated and used to help shape the new SEN strategy, should you wish to be involved further there will be an opportunity to do this later on in the survey.
Please note should you wish to leave your personal information for the SEN Team to follow up with you via email, your personal and sensitive information will be handled securely in line with GDPR regulations, will not be shared with anyone other than the relevant SEN Team Members or used to contact you for marketing purposes.