Care Leavers Survey 2020
Southend Children’s Services, the council itself, elected members, employees and staff in partner agencies in Southend have a responsibility for any Child or Young person who comes into our care. Our responsibility means that we are known as Corporate Parents. We want to know how well you think we have done in our job in looking after you.
We would like to know both what we do well and what we can do better. It will help us to make things better for you and for other young people in a similar situation.
As a thank you for completing the survey, you will be entered into our prize draw for the chance to Win First Prize £30 Voucher, Second Prize £20 Voucher, and Third Prize £10 voucher for one of the following TKMAXX, TESCO or AMAZON. If you would like to win the chance to receive a voucher please enter your details at the end of the survey by Sunday 26th July 2020.
We would like to assure you we will maintain confidentiality of your responses. However, YOU SHOULD KNOW:
- If you tell us something in the survey that makes us worried about your safety we will have to tell your social worker or their manager so that they can take some action to keep you safe
- We will not share any information that you give us with anyone who does not need to have it as part of their role in making services better for you
- If we use your information/responses, we will not identify you by sharing your personal information.
Once responses from the questionnaire have been received, we will share the overall results with yourself as well as, staff at Southend Borough Council, and our partner agencies and widely promote the overall responses across the borough.
If you require support to complete this questionnaire, please contact:
Sonia Jenkins: Children’s Service Transformation
01702 212653 / 07586490143 / SoniaJenkins@southend.gov.uk
Tasnima Quddus: Children’s Service Transformation
01702 212464 / 07824509325 / TasnimaQuddus@southend.gov.uk