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Local Offer feedback survey (Sept 2023 onwards)

The Southend SEND Local Offer provides information about local services and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0 to 25 and their families. It is hosted on the Livewell Southend website.

In June 2023 the website moved to a new platform. We are developing the SEND Local Offer section of the site to make sure it meets the needs of the local community and is easy to use. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey to tell us about your experience of using it so we can make it better for you. 


About you

* required

Have you used the Local Offer before today?

* required

Did you find what you were looking for?

* required
Quality of information on the SEND Local Offer
Look and feel/design of the SEND Local Offer
Select option


Overall, how did you feel about your visit to the Local Offer today?

* required

Would you use the Local Offer again?

* required

Would you recommend the Local Offer to someone else?


Would you like to be involved in future work to improve the Local Offer?

* required

Would you be happy for us to contact you in the future to re-take this survey when we have further developed the site?

* required