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The Worry Box Survey

How does this work?

  1. Take part in the survey by providing us with your name, email, date of birth and school.
  2. Let us know your worry.
  3. The team looks into the worries and groups them into categories.
  4. These worries will be sent to the experts/professionals.
  5. A panel discussion/webinar will be conducted by the team and will be recorded.
  6. This recording link will be then uploaded to the site for you to watch.Image of a child writing in a notebook and looking at the computer screen of a virtual lesson

The site will be monitored twice daily, 7 days a week (at 09:30am and 1:30pm) and we will be reviewing all entries. This is to ensure we can keep you safe and can follow up on any concerns. If there is anything that concerns us we will get back to you via email or through your school. If we think you are at risk we may need to talk to another adult.   If there are things that really worry you please talk to your parents, carers or teachers. There are also a range of places you can go for help and these links are shown in the ‘important links’ widget on the right hand side.