Southend LTP4 - Business Survey
A new Local Transport Plan is being developed for Southend-on-Sea (called Southend LTP4). LTP4 will establish the transport policies and priorities for the City of Southend until 2040, including identifying objectives, policies, and plans for transport improvements across the City. We want to have ideas and input from local businesses as the plan is drafted to help shape it. Completing this brief survey will allow you to put forward your views and suggestions.
This survey is specifically to get local business input into the plan. Therefore the survey will also ask you to record your name, the name of the business you work for, and your role there.
Individuals and residents will be able to feedback their views on the draft LTP4 as part of the public consultation which will happen later in the project, likely near the end of 2023. Information on the public consultation will be posted on the Council’s Your Say Southend consultation website a little nearer the time.