Good Neighbours

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Consultation has concluded

<img src="Good neighbours logo.jpg" alt="Yellow figure inside the outline of a white house with a purple background">

A Good Neighbour is someone who has a friendly chat with their neighbour or looks out for those living near them. They might offer to collect some shopping for their neighbour, or do some weeding or litter-picking in one of the public parks!

This is a page dedicated to Good Neighbours and all of Southend's residents. 

Please take a look at the Good Neighbours guidance if you would like some more information that will support you to be neighbourly. If you're coming up against any barriers please contact your local support organisation.

Click on the tabs below to:

  • say thanks to someone who was kind to you during lockdown in Your Stories
  • share and be inspired by Your Ideas for getting involved in your community 
  • ask questions and chat with others in the public Forum
  • place a pin on Your Map to show where your street group is active

<img src="Good neighbours logo.jpg" alt="Yellow figure inside the outline of a white house with a purple background">

A Good Neighbour is someone who has a friendly chat with their neighbour or looks out for those living near them. They might offer to collect some shopping for their neighbour, or do some weeding or litter-picking in one of the public parks!

This is a page dedicated to Good Neighbours and all of Southend's residents. 

Please take a look at the Good Neighbours guidance if you would like some more information that will support you to be neighbourly. If you're coming up against any barriers please contact your local support organisation.

Click on the tabs below to:

  • say thanks to someone who was kind to you during lockdown in Your Stories
  • share and be inspired by Your Ideas for getting involved in your community 
  • ask questions and chat with others in the public Forum
  • place a pin on Your Map to show where your street group is active

Do you have a story or thank you message to share?

Here's a place to share your stories and thank you messages! We’d like to celebrate what has happened in your local community and would love to read your good news stories.

We really encourage you to post a 'thank you' message to anyone who has been kind to you in the last few months.

We do not recommend sharing the address or contact details of yourself or someone else in your story. If you would like to use the real names of people in your story please only do this if you have that person’s permission. It would be great to see photos to celebrate your story but again please make sure you have permission of the people in the photo.

Thank you for sharing your story with the rest of the community. We really love to read these!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share MoreLife Covid response on Facebook Share MoreLife Covid response on Twitter Share MoreLife Covid response on Linkedin Email MoreLife Covid response link

    MoreLife Covid response

    by Everyone Health , almost 4 years ago

    MoreLife is a Weight Management Service which offers support in Southend, Castlepoint & Rochford, Basildon & Brentwood and Thurrock, offering client- centred behavioural and psychological interventions as well as dietary and group-based support. Our team is made up of psychologists, dietitians, nutritionists, and physical activity experts. Our programme offers 12 weekly sessions, followed by monthly maintenance sessions led by an experienced weight management practitioner, in total you will receive 12 months support.

    In response to COVID-19 and social distancing measures, we have increased our digital offer to ensure residents in South Essex can still access the services including:

  • Share Positive outcomes from Lockdown for Supported Housing on Facebook Share Positive outcomes from Lockdown for Supported Housing on Twitter Share Positive outcomes from Lockdown for Supported Housing on Linkedin Email Positive outcomes from Lockdown for Supported Housing link

    Positive outcomes from Lockdown for Supported Housing

    by SECE Mind, almost 4 years ago

    At South East and Central Essex Mind, our supported housing facility provides a specialised accommodation to give a person a safe and stable environment for recovery after a mental health crisis. Once here, our team of expert staff help to build confidence, improve mental wellbeing and develop life skills for independent living.

    During the last few months, we have adapted the ways in which we provide support to our community housing tenants throughout lockdown.

    Initially, this involved switching from face-to-face to telephone support, regularly calling all of our tenants to monitor their welfare. Some tenants commented that they enjoyed the... Continue reading

  • Share Shoebury HUB151 behind the yellow doors...... on Facebook Share Shoebury HUB151 behind the yellow doors...... on Twitter Share Shoebury HUB151 behind the yellow doors...... on Linkedin Email Shoebury HUB151 behind the yellow doors...... link

    Shoebury HUB151 behind the yellow doors......

    by chrisg, almost 4 years ago

    Shoebury Hub 151…….. is tucked away in West Road next to the ice cream factory, a useful place to be in the hot Summer. It is run in an old Evangelical Church building which is quite beautiful in it’s design. I always think we are like The Windmill Theatre which boasts of never closing - exactly the philosophy that we adopted when the Covid 19 pandemic forced the country into lockdown and the NHS was in trouble, particularly with the shortage of PPE.

    The hub is always busy with different groups attending every day, one of these groups being The... Continue reading

  • Share Celebrating a good neighbour, Rachel Mason on Facebook Share Celebrating a good neighbour, Rachel Mason on Twitter Share Celebrating a good neighbour, Rachel Mason on Linkedin Email Celebrating a good neighbour, Rachel Mason link

    Celebrating a good neighbour, Rachel Mason

    by Everyone Health , about 4 years ago

    Everyone Health would like to celebrate Rachel Mason as Good Neighbour of the week.

    She has done many good deeds over the last few months to exemplify what a good neighbour is. When we heard about her story we knew we had to share this with the community.

    When covid-19 struck she decided to do something to lift the spirts, of not only her street, Victoria road Leigh on sea but people walking by doing their daily exercise. Rachel wanted to bring the neighbourhood together, acknowledge the excellent work of the NHS during this difficult time and also celebrate VR... Continue reading

  • Share Our giving street on Facebook Share Our giving street on Twitter Share Our giving street on Linkedin Email Our giving street link

    Our giving street

    by Pat@inverness, about 4 years ago

    who knew 13 weeks + down the line our street would still be communicating wiv each other with as much enthusiasm as we did after week one

    It started with people introducing themselves in a fairly friendly superficial way when people are jus getting started in a given situation but as the weeks and months have passed I feel we have become a strong group of people whose talents abilities interests willingness to help anyone and sharing are way above and beyond anything I would have hoped to have come out of this dreadful time for young, old, shielded, nervous... Continue reading

  • Share Will Not End with Lockdown on Facebook Share Will Not End with Lockdown on Twitter Share Will Not End with Lockdown on Linkedin Email Will Not End with Lockdown link

    Will Not End with Lockdown

    by InvernessC192020, about 4 years ago

    My street in Westcliff started a Whatsapp Group at the start of Lockdown but I would be very surprised if it ends when Lockdown does.

    The group has brought the street together in the most wonderful way. Everyone is sharing their personal struggles and triumphs, as well as tea and cakes. If someone needs something, someone will have one going spare.

    The group made Lockdown not just bearable but enriching.

    VE celebrations.

    Runaway pets.

    Losing loved ones.

    Health crises.

    Spare DVDs, books, garden pots, veggies, milk alternatives, and exercise equipment have all been shared.

    In the midst of so much... Continue reading

  • Share Keeping Active in Lockdown on Facebook Share Keeping Active in Lockdown on Twitter Share Keeping Active in Lockdown on Linkedin Email Keeping Active in Lockdown link

    Keeping Active in Lockdown

    by Lisa Active Life, about 4 years ago

    When we found out that the Country was entering lockdown, and our community activity sessions would be suspended we knew that we had to adjust our working model to ensure we could still reach our communities and keep people active and less isolated.

    We were able to set up a YouTube page, Active Life for a Healthier You, and our amazing instructors commited to providing free activity sessions every week for everyone to access.

    We had several programmes where we supported particular groups and were able to offer phone calls, bespoke videos and online sessions to ensure that they had... Continue reading

  • Share Celebrating V.E. day during lockdown (Hadleigh road) on Facebook Share Celebrating V.E. day during lockdown (Hadleigh road) on Twitter Share Celebrating V.E. day during lockdown (Hadleigh road) on Linkedin Email Celebrating V.E. day during lockdown (Hadleigh road) link

    Celebrating V.E. day during lockdown (Hadleigh road)

    by Everyone Health , about 4 years ago

    Thank you to Matt from Trust Links for the video submission of V.E day celebrations down his street.

    Looks like everyone had a great time.

  • Share I've always dreamt of living in a place where neighbours know, help and support each other... on Facebook Share I've always dreamt of living in a place where neighbours know, help and support each other... on Twitter Share I've always dreamt of living in a place where neighbours know, help and support each other... on Linkedin Email I've always dreamt of living in a place where neighbours know, help and support each other... link

    I've always dreamt of living in a place where neighbours know, help and support each other...

    by Tilly, about 4 years ago

    When it was clear that we would be entering a period of lockdown in March, I dropped a note through the doors of 90 households in my section of road, suggesting to get together in a WhatsApp group. The idea was that we would be able to support each another during this time.

    Not everyone responded, but we have a 40 people strong group now. Conversations go from friendly banter to shopping help (including a toilet paper bulk buying offer in the early days of lockdown!) to offer of toys and furniture going spare. Someone even arranged an Easter egg... Continue reading

  • Share It is a busy road but we reach out to each other on Facebook Share It is a busy road but we reach out to each other on Twitter Share It is a busy road but we reach out to each other on Linkedin Email It is a busy road but we reach out to each other link

    It is a busy road but we reach out to each other

    by kamilpac, about 4 years ago

    Our group started on a busy main road despite very diverse housing and lots of businesses intermixed

    Some people knew each other from living next door or having some shared activities but most of us got to know each other well in subsequent weeks. I don't think anyone every had as much positive interaction with their neighbors as was made possible thanks to the group.

    We had lots of messages of encouragement in the group and in real life there were things gifted and exchanged. Spare bricks for a DIY barbecue, Shopkins , curtains material to make bunting, cake -... Continue reading